Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Everything is merely binaries.

We can analyze everything that exists around us in matters of a division line. Of Yes and No, Black and White, Right or Wrong. Every question to be asked, every decision to be made, every argument between disputed parties, can all be settled upon a simple choice of sides.

It is mainly the question of presence and absence. Neutrality is out of the equation. It is a manipulative and bewildering term. Namely, the illusion of impartiality. The idea of an absolutely objective, disengaged, inclination-less nature is senseless. It is impossible. There must be either this or that. Grey is not a midpoint between black and white, but the presence of both. Everything around us it exactly like that as well. It falls into categories. Straight lines and broken ones. 1 or 0. Negative or positive. Complete and incomplete. Perfect and imperfect. Beautiful and ugly.

Yes, these distinctions very well may be subjective. But nevertheless they are binding. Something can be wrong in my point of view, and right in someone else’s (or vice versa), but relatively this terms are confining. It can’t be slightly wrong for me. Only fullness makes sense.

Sorry if this was complete bullshit :)

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