Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The absence of words

Just a random blabber:

Words and words all around. Spinning and flowing everywhere. Uttered, muttered, blubbered. Words in sentences, by themselves, spoken and written, words as symbols, as means of communication words in this language, words in the other. All the time words and words, one after the other. Spoken harshly and lightly. Fast or slow. Stuttering or not. Constructing and deconstructing. Praising and criticizing. Non-stop verbal rivers. Gushing down our lives. More books and more songs. Speeches and speeches. Monologues, dialogues, whatever-ogs. When there's no one to talk to, talk to yourself. To the trees, the stones.

And then silence.

Confusion. Perplexed expression. So un-natural. Inconvenient. What to do? This stark absence, this nothingness. A bewildered moment. Complete silence. Tension. Frustration. A dead-end. A heavy burden, this silence.
Cannot express, cannot communicate. Must look at oneself now. Ouch.

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